Musketeer Story: Fal

Episode List

Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8

Episode 1: Destroy the World

*the scene starts with a gray, hazy background*

Fal: (I hear something... This sound is... a thudding sound. The sound of iron crunching, shattering—)

*the background shakes, and sounds of blows can be heard*

???: ...op, stop it, Fal! ...nue, it’ll bre...!

???: Ha, haha...! Ahahahaha!! Everything should be destroyed...!

Fal: (Ah, a breaking sound)

*the screen flashes red*

???:, rejecting lo...?

Fal: (Rejecting...? Ah, that’s understandable...)

Fal: (In a world like this...! As I am...)

*the screen continues to flash red*

(...ah, I can’t think of anything, anymore. Destroy, it’s destroyed, it’s being destroyed...)

(My vision, my senses, my world—)

*the background goes black*

(“Myself” is—)


*scene changes to an office, where Fal is re-summoned*

Fal: ...nh!

Fal: (A blinding, bright...)


• Are you alright?

• Welcome back.

Fal: ....? You are—

Mikhael: Ah, Fal... It’s nice to see you again.

Like Two: Hehh... and here I thought this would be impossible. Musketeers are pretty stubborn. Or at least, this guy is.

Mikhael: Cutlery? Come here as well, please.

Cutlery: ......!

Called by Mikhael, Cutlery emerged from behind a pillar.

*Cutlery approaches, staying away from the others*

Cutlery: Yeah... I’m okay over here.

Cutlery: But... um... I’m glad. I’m sure that...

Cutlery:’s good. Fal.’s really good that you’re...!

Fal: ......

Mikhael: Fal...?

Fal says nothing. He just keeps a smile on his face and looks over his surroundings.


• Is something wrong?

• It’s nice to see you again.

Fal: Is there something to be so joyous about here?

Like Two: You would be the type to make jokes like that. You can tell, can’t you? They’re all happy to see you again.

Fal: See me again...? This is my “first meeting” with you, however...

Like Two & Cutlery: ...!?

Mikhael: ......

Mikhael: ...I see. This is what you’ve chosen.

Like Two: Don’t you remember us? Even (Player Name)?

Fal: No, I remember nothing at all.

Cutlery: ...!

Fal: Hm... This situation, where you all are acquainted with me, but I have no recollection of you, I suppose must be—

Fal: —amnesia, or something of the sort. Heheh... how interesting.

Cutlery: ...nh...

*Cutlery leaves*

With a slightly strange expression, Cutlery hurried out the door.

Fal: ...whatever is the matter with him?

Mikhael: This was a shock for him. He has a delicate heart, you see...

Like Two: ...hey, Fal. You’re acting fine, but aren’t you worried, or something?

Fal: Worried? Why would I need to have such feelings? If anything, I feel quite refreshed.

Like Two: ......

Fal: Even if I have no memories, so long as I know what I’m supposed to do, I believe there will be no issues. Is that incorrect?

Fal: Therefore, what do you all expect from me now? I meet those expectations.

Fal: Ah, that was a foolish question, wasn’t it? Musketeers and guns alike are meant to defeat the enemy. Now, who am I to face?

Like Two: ...right now, there are no enemies who need to be defeated right away.

Fal: That’s a pity. If there are any existences who you wish for me to exterminate, please let me know.

Fal: As one of the four great assault rifles of the world, the KB FAL will carry out any orders quickly and brutally.


• ...

• How deliberate.

Fal: ...ah, yes. You are my “Master”, correct? Once again, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Fal: I’m looking forward to an environment in which I can fully display my skills.

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

Episode 6:

Episode 7:

Episode 8: